
Showing posts from 2012

Sleeping Child

I enjoy waking up at night, glancing at my children in their sleep.  They both look so peaceful. It is the best feeling in the world, simply because they can truly enjoy their sleep. They can sleep without a burden in their mind. Without worry and fear. And most importantly, they smile in their sleep because their hearts are smiling. I want that again. I want to be able to sleep like my children. Without fear or worry or thoughts. Just a nice sleep. regards -E- follow @femmerling on twitter

Random Pics From Jakarta

Below are some pictures taken around Jakarta. Enjoy! Senayan area from the 24th floor, you can actually see most of Jakarta West Jakarta from a hospital balcony The "Pemuda" statue, for me it looks more like a man carrying a burning pizza a puncher in the 24th floor Indonesian venice? Dream on... A mid-city golf course on the making traditional fish market about to land in Jakarta All my works are available in my instagram account @femmerling. Feel free to use any of the above pics but please put a link back to my blog. regards -E- follow @femmerling on twitter

Indonesian Nature Pics

After getting an android phone the NASA hackathon back in april, I suddenly turn into a so-called-amateur-photographer. Photography has always been an interest. Add a tiny app called Instagram  and you got some photo filter magic. Below are some of my nature photo collections. Enjoy!!! a broken boat sunrise in the Gulf of Jakarta fishermen harbour morning sky a lonely tree fish pond bridge to your dream seaside fish pond Gedong Songo ruins, Ambarawa, Central Java, Indonesia sulfur cave, Baturaden, Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia one of the nine Gedong Songo temples, Ambarawa, Central Java, Indonesia my backyard a plane in the sky afternoon seaside talks Kamal Muara fishermen harbour the Frangipani and the pagoda All my works are available in my instagram account @femmerling. Feel free to use any of the above pics but please put a link back to my blog. regards -E- follow @femmerling on twitt

Changing Directions

I've always have a strong interest in software engineering. It is the reason why I took Computer Science in college and also why I minorred in software engineering. However, since I dont have any interest in developing desktop softwares, I only had one job as a software engineer back then in 2005. I'm always interested in the web and I established my own web software company, Emfeld. I did projects and enjoyed things with Emfeld. And so there I was, graduating from college and then from grad school working for non software companies. I even developed career paths as teachers and IT auditors. Even when I'm enjoying my career growth, I never felt any satisfaction working outside of software engineering. I took side projects and work during the night, simply to relax and enjoy things. Yeah, you heard that right. I write codes to relax. Sounds geeky? I know, and I'm proud to be one. Starting this year, my interest in programming grew even stronger. I joined a hacka

Finding My Creative Freedom

It's been 9 days since I said goodbye to the web company I founded 7 years ago. So far, I found things to be creatively liberating. I don't need to catch up with deadlines. I also found new project ideas swarm all over my head all day long. However, for the time being I decided to ignore the ideas and simply note them down for future use. Maybe this was what Steve Jobs find interesting after he quit Apple for the first time. I realize that to be able to get forward and becoming more creative I need to empty my mind first. Then I can start filling it with fresh things. Just like the picture of an empty plate above, you'll never know what it'll be filled with. I'm still taking a few weeks off programming stuffs while I focus on my day job as an auditor at a bank and giving my mind some rest, especially after that Dengue Fever I had a few weeks back. It's amazing how my vim editor hasn't been opened for almost a month now. A very rare thing to happen.

Bye Bye Web Technology

Back in 2005 I established a company that would define my career in the IT software industry. Emfeld Web Technology, or I spelled it EmFeld back then, was born from my desire to improve human lives by leveraging the web. I built a lot of things during the years, from websites, online stores, online games and also our signature product the intanware. Things were great until 2 things happenned. My team left for a bigger company and my health condition gets worse. I can't be handling all those projects all by myself. So from now on, Emfeld is me and I am Emfeld. I'll use the domain for my personal site and I'll write more things in my personal blog. I'll open source some of our products on my github account . Who knows you can get something out of it anyway. It was a good 7 years. But as they say, all good things must come to an end. And so this is where Emfeld Web Technology ends...with a smile :) Warmest regards Fauzan Erich Emmerling Emfeld P.S: 7 is a

Define Who You Are

Most of the time, we are defined and labeled by what we do to make a living or by what we have. For instance, John, the IT guy or Michael the manager. Sometimes people label people based on possessions. Donny, the Mercedes owner, for example. The way people refer to us that way is actually wrong. Why? Simply because if we lose all those jobs or possessions, who the hell are we? I've always been known as the debater, the auditor or the IT guy but I refuse to be defined by all of those. I am simply a dreamer and a learner, and that is how I want people to label me. You cant take my dreams away from me and I always learn something new every day. Try to brand yourself by what's in you and not what's outside of you. You'll respect yourself better and you'll start seeing things differently. Remember that by doing that you live up to your own expectations, not others. Learn to define yourself! regards -E- A dreamer and lifelong learner follow @femmerling


28 is the number this year I know I've been through a lot of things during the period I've had ups and downs I've had laughs and tears I've been drunk and sober I've eaten dust and drank tap water I've fought my way through a lot of obstacles I've seen my closest people passed away I've gotten married to the best person in my life. I've had two wonderful children. I've had so many other experiences that I can't share here. Moreover... I'm thankful for all the experiences, good or bad.  I'm thankful for all the people supporting me all this time and I'm thankful to God for letting me live this wonderful and colorful life and here's to the best 28 years of my life... Happy birthday me -E- follow @femmerling on twitter

Making Everyday a Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day People! It's February 14 and everyone's busy buying chocolates and gifts for their loved ones. I'm not one of them though. Simply because I celebrate Valentine's day everyday. How is that possible? Valentine's day is known as the Love day. The day where you show your loved ones that you love them. To me that should be everyday because I love my wife every single day and I want to show her every day that I love her. I love her from the moment she wakes up in the morning, the way she smiles through her day up until the moment she smiles while she's dreaming at night. She's special and perfect every single day. And for that, I want to show her how much I love her everyday. I believe that this actually applies to a lot of you out there. Perhaps you never really realize it until you read this post. You can do it as well. Simply by trying to make everyday special for the two of you. As if it's your last day together.

Making Self Reflection a Habit

As humans we face problems day in and day out. This is perfectly normal. However, we often forget that our problems are actually our life lessons. We tend to ignore or run away from our problems instead of dealing with it. Again, this is a natural defensive reaction. Sure, we can blame so many factors when problems occur. Our friends, our surroundings, our work partners, or anything blamable. One thing that you always have to remember is actually look back to yourself. Why? Simply because we can be the one causing the problems as well. It's just that because we have our own ego, we think that we are never wrong. Self reflection is something that you should make a habit. I do it on a daily basis every night before I take a ride to Slumberville. I always try to reflect everything I do from the moment I woke up till my reflection time. Why at night? Simple, you are mostly done dealing with the problems and you are more objective. This way you can judge problems better. I usuall

2012: Nawaran time!

We've just went past 2011. A lot of things happened in 2011 and I found those things enriching me in many ways. I always try looking at things from a positive point of view because it helps me in analyzing what I need to always become better. As always, I have my new year resolutions for each year and in 2011 I failed in fulfilling some, which are: to buy a car to be more discipline at the 5-time prayer For sure these two will be on my resolution list this year. My other resolutions are as follows: I'll be launching a startup on my son's birthday tonight at 7 PM Jakarta time. The startup is something I've been working on for about a quarter in 2011. This startup is derived from various concepts in my bachelor and master degree thesis. To add a twist, I insert Indonesian cultural elements inside it. I'm sure that the socio-cultural e-commerce platform of Nawaran can really develop and become something in the Indonesian internet commerce market. My new year r