Minimalist Distraction Free Setup
I got a new MacBook air at the new company I work at . Unlike my previous MacBook air, this one only runs i5, 4GB Memory and 128 SSD which means I have to preserve a lot of space to have a nice coding rig. I have to be able to code android and iOS on this one. Plus, I should be able to hack stuffs on it for my personal fun as well. So how do I deal with that? I need to reserve around 9GB for XCode, 7 GB for Android Studio + SDK and around 20 GB for basic OSX stuffs. Plus I have to reserve the iWork and iLife stuff since this is a company laptop and someone else who's gonna use it later after me. I'm a big fan of music and movies, and the space limits it. So how do I deal with it? Use the cloud. I put all my old codes in a private git repo. I stream all my music using deezer and put all my favorite movies on my Google Drive account. Now I can still have it while I run on a minimal setup. As a comparison, now I have 83.59GB of free space out of 128GB on the new