Expecting The Unexpected

Surprised with my picture? Me too. For the first time in my life I have hoses going all over my body, yet I'm only 26 going 27 in 2 months time. Did I ever expect this? Never! I'm having some problems breathing and these hoses help me breathe. It's unpleasant and stressing to see yourself turning from a normal human being into a cyborg like creature (okay that one I was a bit exagerrating hehe). Still with this condition I can be thankful and learned some lessons. I thank God for creating the inventors of these machines helping me so I can still survive to see my beloved wife and child and hopefully our child to be born in a month's time. What did I learn? First lesson, pay it forward! Prepare yourself with contigency plans. Think of the worst that can happen to you and how you can reduce the risk incurred. I survived it to thr doctor last night because of this. I'm riding a motorcycle in a bad breathing condition but still able to survive because I prepared the sho...